Cocaine Addiction Recovery

Cocaine addiction recovery can be a tough road to take, but necessary for many who struggle with this very serious drug addiction. For many this decision to seek cocaine addiction recovery can mean potentially saving their own life, and getting back on track toward a successful future.


Cocaine addiction recovery is a vital step for anyone who finds themselves at rock bottom or even those who feel like they may be first slipping into the addiction. Because cocaine is the most majorly abused illegal drug throughout the United States, those with drug addiction problems and issues with cocaine addiction are becoming more rampant. In fact, cocaine is the top drug responsible for emergency room visits. Unfortunately, many who first begin to try out cocaine believe the myth that it is not an addictive drug because it does not exhibit the same withdrawal symptoms as those who alcoholism and heroin addictions. However, the drug is very addictive both physically and psychologically. 

Why Cocaine is Addictive:

Cocaine is an addictive drug for many reasons. For some, being prone to addiction is simply part of their genetic makeup and background, according to many researchers. Other causes for cocaine addiction are a result of the effect cocaine has on a person's brain. Recent research on the subject indicates that repeated exposure or ingestion of cocaine causes a change in genes that can alter levels of a particular brain protein called dopamine that occurs naturally. The dopamine services as a chemical messenger in the brain that controls the individual's pleasure response. When cocaine gets involved, it disrupts that natural flow of dopamine in the brain, which means the body has to rely on the drug for pleasure because the brain is no longer recognizing it on its own. This is just one of the biggest reasons cocaine becomes an addiction for the majority of its frequent users. 

For those who do frequently abuse the drug, they will quickly become addicted to cocaine and its effects. Abuse symptoms include effects on the nervous system and causes psychiatric effects. The drug use also effects the brain, ear, nose, lungs and throat depending on how the drug is normally ingested by the user. Other effects include damage to any pregnant woman and the unborn baby, infections and cardiovascular problems that may result in death for the user. 

Effects of Cocaine Use: 

Central nervous system problems as a result of being addicted to cocaine can cause so many psychiatric effects.  Many users will begin the use of the drug because of these types of effects however. In the beginning, users find the drug causes feelings of increased physical and mental strength, euphoria. The user may also experience less fatigue, more energy and a greater sense of power. However, because the drug interferes with the brain's natural chemical to achieve these feelings, the user becomes dependent on cocaine to feel good. Other negative side effects to cocaine use include nausea, vomiting, dilated pupils, headache, vertigo, teeth grinding, emotional instability, restlessness, irritability, tremors, hallucinations and cocaine psychosis. This cocaine psychosis is similar to paranoid schizophrenia. Because of all of these negative effects of cocaine use, users find themselves in poor health and even near death's door if the addiction has gotten so far to damage the body's organs and heart. Extreme cocaine use can cause a heart attack in users, which can result in death. Those who know someone in this situation, or find themselves nearing cocaine addiction, it is vital to seek cocaine addiction recovery.

Cocaine Addiction Recovery Help:

There are a few ways to get on the path to cocaine addiction recovery. Many who struggle with this addiction, cannot see the end in sight for a cocaine addiction recovery. However, it is possible to become a recovering drug addict. Former addicts do it every day, and it is not an impossible feat as long as the correct steps are taken to ensure a successful cocaine addiction recovery. The first step is to seek professional help. For those severe addicts, recovery may  have to take place in a drug rehabilitation facility. By trying to quit the drug cold turkey, the likelihood of success if very minimal. The withdrawal symptoms can also be physically and mentally straining to the point where it can cause health problems for the person trying to overcome the addiction. By seeking cocaine addiction recovery in a health facility or rehab center, the health issues can be monitored while the former user is able to struggle through the withdrawal symptoms under a doctor's care. The facility also likely has other methods of helping the user cope with the withdrawal symptoms and for the original emotional reasons that first caused the cocaine addiction in the first place. Consult a doctor, psychologist or treatment center immediately to begin the road to cocaine addiction recovery. 


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