Black Cocaine

Black cocaine is also known as Coca Negra. The appearance of black cocaine on the drug market began in the late 1990s with the first actual detection in Columbia in 1998. Continue reading on to find out more about drug facts about black cocaine and what it is.


Black cocaine got its name because the appearance of the drug after mixed with other substances like hydrochloride, pigments and dyes, it takes on a black appearance. These chemicals are used to camouflage the regular white appearance and smell of cocaine.

What is black cocaine?

The idea behind the development of black cocaine is to interfere with color-based drug tests and to make the mixture undetectable by drug-sniffing dogs with activated carbons, which absorbs trace odors. After the drug is camouflaged into black cocaine, it is then smuggled as other trade items like toner, fingerprint powder, pigment, metal moldings and even fertilizer. Once the receiving drug dealers or drug users get the black cocaine, they extract the pure cocaine base from the mixture so it can be use. This extraction process involves acid-base extraction using common organic solvents. 

Black cocaine and the drug trade:

Following the first sightings of black cocaine on the drug market in the late 1990s, law enforcement officials and drug task enforcement regulators throughout South America where the black cocaine dilemma is at its worst, began trying to crack down on black cocaine smuggling, however because of the way the drug is manufactured, it is almost untraceable. In 2008, a  major black cocaine bust took place in Spain when a new type of black cocaine was produced and manufactured to appear akin to rubber-like sheets and made into luggage. Other similar strategies to follow included the drug being transported in the fuel tanks of vehicles.

Black cocaine detection efforts:

Now, drug traffic enforcers throughout the world are increasing efforts to be on the lookout for illegal drugs like black cocaine, that are often difficult to detect because of the methods in which it is camouflaged. Drug sniffing dogs are one of the strongest tools law enforcement officials have in being able to track down this almost impossible-to-find drug. These methods especially in South America are very common with drug sniffing dogs. Increased training with these useful animals has helped in the effort to find black cocaine even once it has been masked with activated carbons to absorb the trace odors. 

Black cocaine addiciton:

Black cocaine is still cocaine and still just as addictive as white cocaine, crack cocaine, or any other type of cocaine. We post this article to help educate and inform our readers about the dangers of using black cocaine and what to look for in the event you suspect one of your loved ones is using drugs.  Treatment for black cocaine addiction is the same as with other forms of cocaine with treatment options ranging from residential treatment facilities to outpatient drug rehabs.   


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