Welcome to Crack Cocaine

crack cocaine

The purpose of this site is to help teens, parents, families, and friends who may have a loved one who is struggling with crack cocaine addiction.  Our website is designed to help educate on the statistics of cocaine addiction and what warning signs are associated with crack cocaine abuse and drug use; such as crack pipes, weight loss, lack of sleep, and behaviors.  Our goal is to help those that are addicted to cocaine, and people who may be experimenting with crack cocaine find therapy or treatment to overcome these addictions and behaviors.


What is a Speedball?
What is a speedball? For those unfamiliar with many of the slang drug terms, Speedball is a mixture of cocaine and heroin. Many might wonder, what is a speedball? Having an understanding of what a speedball is can help understand the complete facts when it comes to cocaine and heroin usage and the dangers of this combination.
Crack Cocaine Treatment Options
There are many crack cocaine treatment options. Learn how to tell if someone has an addiction to crack cocaine, what treatment options are available for those using crack cocaine, and withdrawal symptoms one experiences when trying to break the addiction.
Signs of Cocaine Addiction
Drug abuse is a serious problem, which is why it is important to know the signs of cocaine addiction. More drug users are addicted to cocaine than any other type of drug. Watch for the signs of cocaine addiction to be sure none of your loved ones are facing addiction.